Rapid modelling of water management systems
"OPSIM brings to the user expert system type capabilities, for the risk based assessment and design of water resources and management systems."

Dr. John Macintosh
Author of OPSIM
Engineers Australia Professional Engineer of the Year 2016-2017

OPSIM is our flagship platform for the operational simulation of industrial water management and natural resource systems. With a rapid model development and application interface, it provides a complete platform for the reliable and robust simulation of complex high level systems.
System operation in OPSIM is defined with respect to standard engineering descriptors and operational rules that are designed to capture key physical characteristics of the system being simulated. That is, it is a deterministic modelling system that uses real-world engineering parameters to define real world operations.
Although OPSIM is designed to be general purpose, it has been tailored to meet with those demanding requirements of minerals resource industries that have exposure to climate, and in particular to climatic variability.
Simulation tracks the collection, transport, storage, loss and release of water, solids (tailings/slurry) and disolved solids (TDS, EC, and individual analytes).
Modelling scenarios can range from a static operational snap-shot to changing full life-of-mine operations. Simulation time-step resolution can range from 1 minute to 1 day. Simulations may be against historical climatic record, to meteorological forecast, or to statistical climatic likelihood.
Extensive post-simulation analysis and graphing tools are also built-in. Data and results may be cut and pasted in to other applications (e.g. Microsoft Excel and Word) for further engineering / scientific analysis and reporting.
A range of extensions are available for OPSIM to further tailor its capability to those more specialist applications.

Geochemistry (GC) combines with OPSIM and other extensions to allow the inclusion of a suite of dissolved compounds (analytes) within the simulation process. It includes additional functionality for the modelling and process design of water treatment and processing plants. It is ideally suited for the assessment of environmental impacts associated with industrial/mining/agriculture activities.

Real-Time (RT) combines with OPSIM and other extensions to perform Adaptive Real-Time Simulations (ARTS). Site telemetry and real-time weather forecast information are used to aid in both short term and seasonal risk and opportunity assessments. OPSIM RT is easily integrated with existing operational systems. Simulation outcomes are automatically produced for real-time integration with on-line information systems.

Water Accounting Framework
Water Accounting Framework (WAF) combines with OPSIM and other extensions to implement WAF capabilities for the operational efficiency and performance reporting of a modelled water management system. OPSIM's implementation of the WAF is in alignment with the framework for the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI, Amsterdam 2010) as applied by the Mineral Council of Australia (MCA, 2014).